First off. Phillip is 44!!
It's not a very good picture but here are 3 two day old white guinea chicks! They are cute and hornery. They are in the baby chick pen but separate at the same time. We were afraid they would get hurt. This way they are "together" and can be put in with the rest when they are bigger. Later they will probably roost in the pecan tree. But can stay in the hen house if they want.

This is Honey. She is one of 3 new laying hens. She is a Red Production hen. She looks a little weird at first glance. That is because her beak is so short. When she was born the hatchery she came from chopped it off :( She's really friendly and isn't afraid of Priss like some of the others haha.

Here are the other 2 new babies. They are Pullets. I forgot to ask breed. But they look like Araucanas to me. LuLu is the white one, and the Black one is Anna Belle. LuLu wasn't here 2 hours yet and she found a snake over a foot long, killed it, and had it for lunch! She's definately a keeper :) They are a bit on the shy side still.

Here are our babies. I know Wyatt likes to see them :) It's hard to see, but the black ones really do have feathers. They're just black!. The other one there is one of 6 Rhode Island Red chicks. They've had a HUGE growth spurt. There is only supposed to be a few days difference in age between them.

Here is Derek with "Red". Can you say Spoiled Chicken. haha The boys are amazed at how soft the feathers are.

This is Deven holding one of the baby red chicks. It's trying to "take off"

The next two pictures are out of order. We found a "studly dude" for Nona. I named him Rosedale. We call him Dale. He's very nice looking for a goat. Here they are together. It was really funny when we finally got him out of the truck. He wouldn't come out. This is after their hellos. They were making "smoochey" faces at each other! Curled lips and everything! Who knew. It was so cute. Nona is no longer lonely. Dale is from East Texas and 3/4s Spanish Boer. I think we got great deal for $45,

Here is Dale chilling in the back of the truck

Lastly we no longer have Colonel Sanders the Rooster. Now the other hens can grow their feathers back and maybe start laying eggs again. The man we bought Dale from is the new owner of Colonel. I swear it was love at first sight. I'm glad.