We're all finally off of antibiotics. Hopefully we won't need any more for a long time.
Dental appts start soon for everyone but Logan. He passed with flying colors haha. He hasn't let anyone live that one down and he is the worst about brushing his teeth. He reminds me of someone else as a kid...... haha Not me.
I don't have to go to the Neurologist again until July! YAY! He was pleased with my visit. I am pleased with the 6mo instead of 3mo or 1mo visit. ;)
25 pullets will arrive next weekend. Pullet what does that mean? 1 week old? 6week old? We'll find out soon ;) Hopefully they won't all be white birds. If they are the hawks will find them for lunch in a couple months :( That has happened to all the white/whitish chickens and guineas so far this year.
Logan's ARD/IEP meeting was today. It went well. He'll be getting full Special Ed services from the school.
Craftwise I am working on a sock. I am about 1/3 of the thru it now. It might should have been a solid color. But I'm not starting over. :) They always look funny on the needles. Here is it so far.