Summer is moving along. the niece and nephew have been here a couple of weeks now. They are doing great. Fallon has had to do some adjusting to being the youngest and how things are done here. Rules are a little different I guess. We took all FIVE kids to the movies Saturday. I haven't had that many with me in a LONG time :) We saw Night At the Museum 2. Not bad. They all had a good time. On the way home I surprised them with DQ dip cones & lots of napkins. It got to 101 that day. Hottest day of the week. since then it's only been like 94.
I caught Honey breaking eggs and eating them last night. And my 2 broody hens proceeded to attack her for it. One went for the face wattle and wouldn't let go. Then when I pulled an egg from a nesting box she jumped at my hand and tried to get the egg. :( So I guess she will truely be noodles since she is bonkers for eggs. While we're at it we will cull the extra roosters. Jennifer and I pulled 4 out of the mix while she was here. They have grown a TON since she left. The 5th one we left out is a toss up what it is. It hasn't grown any yet. so maybe its one of those masculine hens ;-)