Monday, February 23, 2009

The Pullets are Here!

I ordered 24 I received 27
Just a couple of quick pictures. One was dead on arrival. One has a gimpy leg, 4 are lethargic.
Several have little puffballs on their heads so there is a good chance Logan will get a "Halloween Chicken". Time will tell. But it looks like they will be Polish anyway :). 2 Look like Goldies babies did in July last year. So that means Araucanas. Then there are some more that are similar so they may be the same just a different color. Not sure though. The rest I have no clue. Will have to wait until they have fully feathered out. Then I can look in my chicken book to see what rare/heritage breeds we ended up with. How exciting!.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Jan, they're adorable! Congratulations on your new brewd. Keep us posted. :O)