This is what I chose out of the Robin's Nest Traveling Box Swap. It was 10lbs! at least when Phillip brought it home today. Now after adding my bunch of goodies it STILL weighs 9.75 lbs! I really really wanted the Noro but it had alpaca in it. Sad frowns to the allergy.

Picture is a little flashy, but the colors are pretty true. These are the first batch of my sock rovings that will be going into my Etsy store in the next couple of days. The next batch is drying right now :) The sheen that you are seeing is the the nylon that is found in the sock yarn. Depending on how you spin will affect the amount of shimmer you get in your yarn. It's really a cool thing.

And this is the newest shawl pattern I have going. I actually have 3 or 4 on the needle. 2 are Mystery Knit Alongs where I get 1 clue a month. But this one I am knitting for the Malabrigo March event. Pattern is Damson by Ysolde Teague, yarn is Malabrigo Sock in Rayon Verte

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