It's on it's way to places from Texas to Canada :D So this week I have more rovings to do and list.
Project wise I have finished Phillip, Derek and Deven's hats. I'm working on Logan's now. This is just the 1st 1/2. The other 1/2 will be shades of green and a bit tan. Same yarn as Phillip 1 side of hat.... Let me find a picture....

I'm learning to knit 2 socks at the same time. That is super cool! It feels like it takes longer, but really it's not, because by the time I am done. I will have 2 socks to wave around instead of 1!!!
These are for Day of the Dead competition. I will probably lose because I decided to try and learn this at the last second and had a few problems ;) But that's ok :) I will be using this method from now on socks. I really wish I had know about it a LOOONG time ago hahaha

Mom's Christmas yarn finally came in as did her replacement yarn for her Bday. To bad bday is almost tomorrow and project is huge. I had to replace the yarn because it was 70% alpaca/30% silk It was beautiful and sooooo soft. I got it on sale years ago. It screamed MOM. I just didn't know what to do with it until this year LOL. This year is when I found out I was allergic to Alpaca. I can knit with if fine (suuuure) it's when fibers start to float and land on my face... My face welts up where the fibers land cry. So last week I was wandering the internet and found some 50% Merino 50% silk Angel Wings by Fly Designs in Teal Lake And got it on SALE!! So Mom you will get a super nice Bday/Christmas present next year.
I guess that's it for now
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